Self-Reflection on Women’s Wellness Journey


As I sit on my lanai starting at the water just returning from a wellness adventure several things come to mind that make me take pause.

1)     Stress- According to several studies chronic stress is linked to other conditions, both psychological and physical. These can include Diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, Type II diabetes, and arthritis.  I have worked hard to eliminate chronic stress from my life over the past several years.  The one thing that had the greatest impact was when I gave up trying to control everything and just let life happen.  Try just one day only controlling YOUR thoughts, actions, and words and let everyone else own their journey.  You will be amazed at what it does for your stress levels, and it will help gain back your empowerment.

2)     Nutrition- Women’s wellness retreats especially FL based ones normally focus on nutrition with a lot being vegan, vegetarian, or low calorie.  Studies from Oxford University have shown no increase in heart disease between meat diets and vegetable-based diets currently.  Personally, I attended a two-week nutrition exercise-based program that is well known throughout the United States.  This included no added salt, sugar, fat, and major caloric deficit through food and exercise.  The program for me was not enjoyable because frankly I love food and like to eat healthy etc. but it was so extreme my body rejected it on multiply levels.  Yes, I lost weight, but it was not sustainable, it was joyless and made me cranky.  My point is to listen to your body and for me that means I need protein, healthy fats, and some chocolate occasionally.  Just make good choices daily and if you do not be kind to yourself and start over the next day.   Let the guilt go.

3)     Water- Water is my go-to word.  Being near or on the water and drinking plenty of it.  It brings me peace, is hydrating, cleansing, and great for weight management and inflammation.  Our next 3 women’s wellness retreats are on the water in 2025.  1st in January in Riverview, FL on the river.  2nd in May Oceanfront on St. George Island, FL, and the 3rd in MI on a lake.

4)     Real Connections- One of the reasons Britt and I decided to host retreats was we were looking for connections with women in wellness that we could share and support part of their life journey.  Our main goal is to make sure everyone feels welcome, no matter their age or demographic.  We love to learn about people and their experiences, customs, cultures, and ideas.  Sitting down connecting during meals, activities, or workshops, sharing laughter, tears and viewpoints is food for the soul.

5)     Spirit- Being on my own women’s wellness journey has brought me much closer to my own spirit and my authentic self.  Self-acceptance and letting go of my ego have been and will continue to be a work in progress.  It can be uncomfortable, fearful, and intimidating to take a hard look at YOU stripped down.  Especially, since we tie ourselves and our identity to what is socially acceptable:  Money, prestige, marriage, children, family, friends, job, keeping up with the Joneses etc.  I am becoming more comfortable walking in my shoes or barefoot as I prefer on a beach somewhere.

Lastly, the two most reoccurring questions I get when I let women know that we have a women’s wellness retreat company are: How do I know which retreat is best for me and my journey and is the retreat worth the price?  We will be discussing both these questions in future blogs… until then hope you enjoy some sun on your face, your toes in the sand, and you due something for your soul & spirit.


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Wellness Retreats for Women: Tailored Experiences with 4S Retreats